Plant volatiles: from ecology to exploitation

Giornata di studio - ore 9.00

Giornata di studio organizzata su proposta del Comitato consultivo per la Biologia agraria dei Georgofili, in collaborazione con European Science Foundation e Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

The EuroVol program overall objective is to understand the roles of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) in the food-web and in plant
interactions with the environment under current and future climate.
EuroVol is organised in three specific projects
1. Molecular and metabolic bases of volatile isoprenoid-induced resistance to stresses (MOMEVIP)
Coordinator: Francesco Loreto
2. Induction of plant VOC emission by biotic and abiotic stresses and consequences for community ecology: a multidisciplinary approach (A-BIO-VOC)
Coordinator: Marcel Dicke
3. Consequences of insect invasions for plant-insect interactions mediated by volatile organic compounds (INVAVOL)
Coordinator: Ted Turlings
This midterm meeting represents the opportunity to exchange experience and results between the EuroVol participants.


Mauro Centritto – Welcome address

Stefano Mancuso – Plant communication – much more than we expected

Francesco Loreto – EuroVOL: how the scent of nature can influence global processes

Marcel Dicke – Plant volatiles mediating interactions between plants and multiple community members

Rieta Gols – The use of herbivore-induced plant volatiles by parasitoid wasps

Jörg-Peter Schnitzler –Poplars under climate stress – Potential functions of isoprene and Co

Josep Peñuelas – Towards remodelling and remote sensing of isoprenoid emissions … and the seasonality of community floral emissions

Thomas D. Sharkey – Recent insights into isoprene biosynthesis

Ted Turlings – InvaVol: investigating the impact of invasive insects on native infochemical networks

Jonathan Gershenzon –Roles of plant volatiles – on beyond terpenes
